Tuesday 27 March 2012

Genetic's 'Bonus' Problem.

A horrific explosion has occurred in the maternity ward of the local hospital.  The cause of the explosion is under investigation but early reports are suggesting that  two dozen 2L bottles of Diet Coke and Mentos in the nurses' quarters may be to blame.

All babies and mothers were unharmed in the explosion (which is usually the case in fictitious genetics problems).  Unfortunately, all of the identifying bracelets, records, computers etc. were lost in the chaos.  After frantic blood typing tests for Rh factor and ABO the following data was collected and turned over to you, an ordinary but potentially heroic Biology student.

Your mission ... match the families and their babies.

Recall that Rh + is dominant over Rh -

Don (O-) & Mary (AB-)

John (O-) & Sherry (AB+)

Juan (A-) & Geri (B+)

Ron (A-) & Fairy (A-)

Corey AB+

Laurie  O-

Maury B-

Bob A+

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